The following courses are designed to provide essential dentistry and anesthesia training for you and your entire staff. We offer single courses and packages that are customized to your needs.




Double Your Dentistry™ Interactive Online Course (RACE 1 Hour)

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Introduction to Veterinary Dentistry Online Course (RACE 1 hour)

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Interpretation of Feline Radiographs (RACE 2 Hours)

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Interpretation of Canine and Feline Dental Radiographs (RACE 4.5 Hours)

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002-1640-00 – Dentistry Best Practices Workshop (RACE 8 Hours)

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002-1640-40 – Clinical Dentistry Lab for the Veterinarian (RACE 8 Hours)

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VI-RAD – Dental Radiography Positioning Lab (RACE 4 Hours)

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VI-CPC – Cleaning, Probing and Charting Best Practices Lab (RACE 4 Hours)

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002-1640-50 – Level II Clinical Dentistry Lab for Veterinarians (RACE 8 Hours)

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VI-RAD-ADD – Regional Anesthetic Dental Blocks Lab  (RACE 2 Hours)

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VI-AMT – Anesthesia Monitoring Best Practices 101  (RACE 4 Hours)

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VI-AMT2 – Anesthesia Monitoring Best Practices 201  (RACE 4 Hours)

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VI-AMT-SIM - Foundations in Veterinary Anesthesia and Simulation Workshop (RACE 8 Hours)




[DISCLAIMER] These courses meet the requirements for the stated hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize the American Association of Veterinary State Boards Registry of Approved Continuing Education (AAVSB RACE) approval. Please be aware that some state boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education.