Midmark Medical & Animal Health Factory Training



Midmark Training Courses are available to our Product Dealers and Certified approved Midmark service companies on our approved supplier list only. Supporting Midmark’s North America strategic direction to build a small network of large Preferred Servicers, all new appointments are first offered to our established Preferred Servicer partners. Only if they cannot meet the need will an individual ISO be appointed or added to our existing network of providers.

Our product training classes are offered in a series of online classes only.

Existing Midmark account holders who would like to attend a training course, please use the online Contact Us link and complete the form requesting training. You will receive a confirmation via e-mail. Each registration is subject to account verification.

Technicians are required complete all assigned course to receive a certification.

If you have any questions, concerning the course, course fees or need additional information please contact Jeff Sanders, Midmark Field Service Manager at jsanders@midmark.com or 937.526.8326